History of Umshyrpi College
Shillong city, the capital of Meghalaya and the acclaimed abode of clouds, has been traditionally known as the educational hub of the North East India with its credible history of producing many scholars, intellectuals and a flock of officers in all India services. In the course of time, it was obviously seen that the demand of educational institution became tremendous since the erstwhile elite colleges gave access only to the best, and shut doors to the others. There was an urgent need of an institution to accommodate have-nots and students from marginalized section especially from minority communities, and to impart education to them in an environment that would guarantee all avenues of special care with the prevalence of peace, tranquility and security for all the learners.
The underlying vision was to mobilize human resource to generate a community of scholars who can manage continuity and change.
By that time, some forward-thinking leaders of the Muslim Union were impelled by the prevailing scenario to contemplate opening a higher educational institute by themselves in Shillong
On the other hand, there was an awakening ground that the General Secretary of the Shillong Muslim Union Janab Sayeedullah Nongrum who was a legislator of the state of Meghalaya had already founded and run two colleges viz, the Kazi Zaman college in New Bhait Bari and the Nongrum college of Zekabari.
The idea of starting a college was sprouted suddenly when the then Assistant General Secretary of the Shillong Muslim Union Janab A.S. Siddique (Advocate)enthusiastically put forward his suggestion to establish a college in Shillong city.Their conversation had sowed the seed of then forthcoming college. That is the reason why the statement, an initiative, shall remain worthy to be quoted and remembered forever. “You were instrumental to open two colleges in your Rajabala constituency; why don’t you set up one college here in Shillong with the backing of the Shillong Muslim Union?” Such a statement profoundly aroused the sentiment of the leader, Janab Sayeedullah Nongrum, a person of indefatigable dynamism and untiring enthusiasm for any noble cause. Soon afterwards he made up his mind with a firm conviction to begin with the work, for he, by his nature, utterly disagreed to any delay. That was the historical beginning of the upcoming college. For this profound purpose, a group of like minded people viz, professor Imdad Hussain, N.E.H.U and his wife late Mrs. Fatima Imdad Hussain, a lecturer of the Women College and some other members of The Shillong Muslim Union decided to start the college and thus a committee was constituted on 26th March 1994 with the following members.
1 | Shri C.Z.Ghafoor (IPS Retd.) | President, S.M.U. |
2 | Shri Sayeedullah Nongrum (MLA) | General Secretary, S.M.U. |
3 | Shri A.M. Kharbithai (Deputy Secretary Retd.) | Vice President, S.M.U. |
4 | (L) Shri G. Hannan | Executive Member, S.M.U. |
5 | Shri S.A. Ali | General Member, S.M.U. |
6 | Shri Ahmed Hussain | General Member, S.M.U. |
7 | (L) Shri Ataul Haque | General Member, S.M.U. |
8 | Shri Sajad Ahmed | General Member, S.M.U. |
9 | Imdad Hussain (Noted Scholar) | General Member, S.M.U. |
10 | (L) Mrs. Fatima Imdad Hussain (Noted Scholar) | General Member, S.M.U. |
In the year 1994,The Shillong Muslim Union gave the Eid-gah complex to open the college and then sanctioned initially a sum of rupees two lakhs; the amount was deposited as seed money for funding the college. Over and above, the Union agreed to bear the monthly expenses of the college until the college became viable and financially self sustainable.
The Union consensually agreed that there would be at least two or three office bearers of the Union in the governing body of the college and the college would be a minority institution with reservation of 20% of seats for Muslim students. Thus the institution came up by the side of Umshyrpi stream and justifiably, to the delight of everyone, christened as UMSHYRPI COLLEGE and it was made non-profit making educational institution. The founder members met on several occasions and in one of such meetings, they unanimously resolved to appoint Mrs. Fatima Imdad Hussain as the principal of the college cum secretary of the governing body.
The college started functioning from 1st August 1994. Initially it was started as girls’ college with 27 students, but in the following year, owing to the growing demand of the minority community, it was converted into co-educational institution.
Mrs. Fatima Imdad Hussain was succeeded by Dr. Rina Dhar who became Principal cum Secretary in the year 1995. At the same time Dr. K. K. Bhattacharjee became coordinator who continued to serve in the same capacity till 1998. Again from the year 1998, Dr. K.K Bhattacharjee became Rector and Mrs. Namrata Joshi took over the post of Vice-Principal. Again, Mrs. N. Joshi took over as the Principal of the College in the year 2002 and thence she has been serving in the same capacity till date. With the passage of time, at present, the college has approximately two thousand five hundred students, seventy three faculty and 30 non teaching staff. The College was awarded Minority status by the then government of Meghalaya on 29/06/2010. The National Minority Commission acknowledged the Minority status of the college.
The Governing Body Members of the College in the year 2010 :
1 | Shri C.Z.Ghafoor (IPS Retd.) | President |
2 | Shri Sayeedullah Nongrum (MLA) | Vice President |
3 | Smt. Namrata Joshi | Principal |
4 | Shri A.M. Kharbithai | Member |
5 | Shri A. J. N. Ahamed | Member |
6 | Shri Ahmed Hussain | Member |
7 | Shri A. S. Siddique (Seniror Advocate) | Member |
8 | Shri Iqbal Hazarika, Member | Member |
9 | Shri A. H. Scott Lyngdoh (Former M.L.A.) | N.E.H.U. Representative |
10 | Prof. A. C. Mahapatra | N.E.H.U. Representative |
11 | Mauluvi Bashiruddin Ahmed Chaudhuri | Sylhet |
12 | Smt. Belinda Sokholet | Teachers’ Representative |
13 | Smt. S. K. Purkayastha | Teachers’ Representative |
It is in the fitness of thing to note with appreciation the contribution of Janab C. Z . Ghafoor towards bringing the college up to this position. However it is the achievement of collective efforts that makes the college grows to this stage. The motto of the college was changed from the earlier ‘IN THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE’ to ‘COME TOWARDS PROSPERITY’ by taking into consideration of the pragmatic approach towards imparting holistic education: to free oneself from evils; to grow oneself spiritually and intellectually, to eliminate poverty of any kind, for oneself and society as well, to transform oneself from the nature of ‘give me’ to ‘what can I give you ?’, to free oneself from the perception of maximum individual and to streamline oneself to become a resourceful member of a society of inclusive prosperity. Ever since the institute came into existence, it has been disseminating service to cater to the needs of poor and marginalized masses by imparting required and desired knowledge for creating humane and rational society..Janab C.Z. Ghafoor’s health started deteriorating from the middle of the year 2011 and therefore he was unable to perform his duty like before. Owing to the arising situation, as the G.B. deemed it necessary, Janab Sayeedullah Nongrum was appointed as working President of the G.B. on 15.11.2011. It was an anguish of all that Janab C.Z. Ghafoor, the then President G.B. Umshyrpi College, passed away on 11th of January 2012.
On 30th January 2012, Janab Sayeedullah Nongrum took over as the President, Governing Body by the unanimous decision of the members and also Janab A. J. N. Ahmed was appointed as Vice-President. Janab. Idris Khan, present President of the Shillong Muslim Union, was inducted as a G.B. member. On 25th June 2018, our beloved Vice-President, Governing Body, A. J. N. Ahmed passed away and after his departure Shri Moonstar Shangpliang became the Vice-President of the Governing Body.
The present Governing Body Members of the College :
1 | Shri Sayeedullah Nongrum (Former Minister, Meghalaya) | President |
2 | Shri Moonstar Shangpliang | Vice-President |
3 | Shri Iqbal Hazarika, Air Commodore (Retd.) | Member |
4 | Dr. Sadullah Nongrum (Private Practioner) | Member |
5 | Shri Idrish Khan (President, S.M.U.) | Member |
6 | Shri Shanbor Shullai (Cabinet Minister, Meghalaya) | Member |
7 | Prof. A. S. Dixit (Zoology Dept.,N.E.H.U., Shillong ) | N.E.H.U. representative |
8 | Dr. S. K. Jha (Statistic Dept., N.E.H.U., Shillong) | N.E.H.U. representative |
9 | Prof K. Ismail | Member/Advisor |
10 | Dr. Irphan Ahamed | Principal/Secretary |
11 | Shri Jawed Nongrum | Administrative Officer/Ex. Offico Member/Vice Principal |
12 | Mrs. Bakhiamon Rynjah (Dept. of Khasi, UMC) | Teachers’ represntative |
13 | Mrs. Poridge Begum (Dept. of English, UMC) | Teachers’ represntative |
Ever Since Janab. Sayeedullah Nongrum’s took over as President G.B, the College has been making a tremendous progress, and the mechanism of management and functioning has changed adequately to put the system is in the right track. All previous mess and irregularities in its functioning are unearthed and rectified. The whole system has been overhauled. A new era of transparency and progress has dawned.

by Dr. Irphan Ahamed