Computer Labs :

Umshyrpi College crossed yet another milestone with the opening of the Computer Centre by the member of Lok Sabha, Mr P.R.Kyndiah on June 17th, 2002. This brought the students of Umshyrpi College into the world of Information Technology and also gave the students another optional paper in Computer Application.

At present the Computer Centre is offering courses as per MBOSE and NEHU syllabus for Class XI, XII and Under-graduates with a total student strength of over 200.

A sneak peek into the inception and growth of the Department of Computer Science :
In 2023, under the guidance of respected Mr Sayeedullah Nongrum (President of the Governing Body), Dr Irphan Ahmed (Principal), the Department of Computer Science has now started a full fledged department offering studies to Bachelor of Computer Application.

Further under the supervision of Dr. Irphan Ahamed(Principal), Mr. Jawed Nongrum(Vice Principal cum Office Adminstrator) and with the dedication of Mr. K. A. Ansari(Asst. Professor) along with the management of the college, a new Computer laboratory for BCA course was constructed and many computer books were purchased by the librarian to enhance the knowledge of the students in this subject

With the coming of the inspection team from NEHU, the team was impressed with the laboratory and with the willingness of the college to setup such an important subject. On this basis the affiliation was given to the Department of Computer Science to start the Bachelor of Computer Application course.