The college has a well equipped library for the students. The library also subscribes to national and international journals/ magazines and newspaper both local and national with easy accessibility for the students. Past years question papers are kept in the library for the benefit of the students. The students are encouraged to use the library for their reference work.

Working Hours:
The College Library will remain open to students on all working days from 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
Admission to Library:
Any student of Umshyrpi College is eligible to become a member of the Library by filling the Library membership form.

Membership Privilege:
A member will be issued 2 (two) books at a time for 7 (seven) days. A fine of Rs. 2/- per day will be charged for each volume kept beyond the due date.

Responsibility of Members:
1. Books lost, torn or defaced in any way will have to be replaced by the borrower/member.
2. The loss of a Library card should be immediately reported in writing to the Librarian.
3. The card shall be produced on demand while entering the library.